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Try on 5G scenarios at Pudong airport

Passengers taking flights from Shanghai Pudong International Airport were able to experience 5G technology at the exhibition hall on June 24 and 25.


The hall, occupying 60 square meters in Terminal 2, was set up by China Unicom and China Mobile. Visitors could try various 5G application scenarios and leave comments about their experiences by filling out online questionnaires. There were also test tools with which visitors could get a direct experience of the high speed and efficiency of 5G by comparing network and download speeds.  

Staff members at the hall explained that 5G was short for the fifth generation wireless systems and featured higher bandwidth, lower latency and wider connections than 4G. For instance, it would take 15 minutes to download a 10 gigabyte video with 4G but only 10 seconds with 5G. 5G technology could be applied in the internet of vehicles, intelligent traffic systems, high-definition video and virtual reality (VR). It is expected to usher in the era of the internet of everything. 


The tree-like exhibition halls were connected to four terminals where visitors could experience 5G technologies. Two of them were VR games machines and the other two broadcast VR videos at 8K resolution. 

Based on AI (artificial intelligence) and 5G technologies, the intelligent robot “little white” at the hall could recognize voices and talk with passengers, and therefore answered questions about airport news, weather and tourist routes.   

Visitors could also watch 360-degree panoramic VR videos which were shot with high-definition panoramic cameras, as well as enjoy high-definition videos by wearing VR glasses. The 5G technology also allowed them to watch live scenes of Lujiazui and Huangpu River areas and other scenes in Shanghai without leaving the airport. 

The airport, the information and passengers’ hub, receive 200,000 visitors per day on average. The application of 5G will provide technological support for the construction of a “smart airport”. Passengers will also enjoy more efficient and convenient services at Pudong International Airport. 
